Monday, July 27, 2009

Everybody has...

A post similar to this.. you know the one where they say, "sorry blog I've been neglecting you, no more will I do this."

Yea I haven't really been neglecting my blog.. This isn't a child, or a pet that I Have to feed and nuture. I do those things only because I choose too.

And right now I choose to Rant.

Lately on Twitter and FaceBook, I've been noticing a lot of people complaining about the most trivial of things. Whether it be direct or indirectly, examples of this may include, but are not limited to.. "ugh can't get to sleep, hate my life" ??!!?!?!!!! REALLY this is what your complaining about? The majority of this comes from people without jobs/lives the rest is from some who may have jobs and have to be up at reasonable times which is understanable to a certain point. But for those of you that are just "Up" at all times.. get out.. work out.. get a life. There is so much worse that could be happening than staying up late.
There have been countless times That all I wanted was sleep, but I had to stay up and gaurd people's lives and or work. (now I can already here some saying.. "But you made that choice to do the things that you did" thats absolutely right, I made those choices, and it doesn't give me the right to complain about anything, and I don't. You on the other hand made the choice to become a worthless slug, which is problably in a decent environment. There are millions of people that would love to just lay around all day, and have their biggest problem be "insomnia"

Get a Clue/Grip/Life.

Speaking of getting a life... there are some of you that I follow on twitter that only tweet about meaningless, trivial, mundane things.
We get it already, your having a shitty summer hanging out with your family/working/going to school.
Also, when you finally do, do something fun stop overhyping it to compensate for the other ultra lame things that you've done... It's starting to become sad.

I feel like I have to bite my tounge so much on twitter and facebook, sometimes I really wanna lash out at people and let them have it.
People don't know it, but I have one of the worst mean streaks in me, that I haven't shown to any of the "friends" that i've met within the past year.

This is mainly because I'm a nice person, but mostly because of the double standard that exists these days for guys like me on social networks.

Case and point, anyone and everyone can poke fun at me, for whatever reason, and I'm expected to take it, because I'm some strong tuff guy, and I like to joke alot. That's all good and well, I love a good laugh, but if your gonna step up to the plate you can't be scared to get hit by a pitch.

If this offended you in any way, shape, or form.

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