You get the idea... I was a pretty normal kid (other than the whole not knowing if I was supposed to act black or white thing)
But then there were times where I believe that having cable TV matured me at a rate faster than what was meant. ie....
Trying to stay home from school so that I could watch Jerry Springer (you got coolest kid of the day by default if you knew or saw the fight that went down on there the day before)
or staying up hella late (at that time in life) and having your finger on the last channel button to espn, because the channel you were watching was Cinemax.. and not just any cinemax, AFTERDARK and it would be some type of Emmanuel series.
and countless other shows and programs that in retrospect I should have never been allowed to watch, but am glad that I did.
But somewhere down the line T.V. got very dull and mundane to me. I think this was around the time where the only shows I would get excited about were...

It seemed like other than these and a handful of other shows were the only things that could keep my attention. MTV was dying out, BET had always disgusted me, and even my prized nickelodeon was turning its back towards greatness.
So I stopped watching TV altogether.. My family moved out into the country near KingsDominon and I really started to embrace my Love affair with music, and art.
Even though Music was and is my favorite thing in the world, I still felt a little piece of myself was missing.. no more TGIF, no more saturday morning cartoons, no more waking up early on summer days and watching some rando movie on cable... wait that's what I was missing. Movies!
I realized that I had watched a ton of movies when I was younger (even though I was reading at a 7th grade level in 5th grade.) I never really fully understood what all was going on. So I started wathching every movie I could.
most of my paychecks would go towards Taco Bell and renting movies. It never failed, I would get two new releases and get an older movie.
Now i'm a movie fanatic (notice I didn't say buff, I don't need to lose anymore bets.)
As corny and cliche' as it is to say, movies are magical when made right. Action/Horror/Drama/Suspense and especially comedies all help to complete my life.
Now if I can only find a job where I can score movie soundtracks.
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ReplyDeleteLet me get it right.
I don't care about sports. Never cared less.
I tried EVERYTHING from stocks & forex to internet systems and affiliate networks.. I even made some money but then blew it all when the stock market went south.
I think I finally found it. Grab It Now!!