It's really a costly addiction that has no end in sight. No matter how many pairs you have, you can never be the best...NEVER!!! Some rapper or Tastemaker DJ is just gonna "Trump you" or Write a song and mention that they have them.. then everyone will want them, thus defeating the whole purpose of being an "exclusive style head"
Not that I even really care about spending the money, because I don't mind spending on quality.. it's just that REALLY??!!?! $500 for some shoes'??? they better come with a blowjob right after you put them on for the first two weeks.
I'm just tired of hearing about "niggas wiff style/Swag" just because they spent a little bit of money on some clothes.
Don't get me wrong.. I love streetwear.. but it's gonna start dying soon. It like most underground/cool things is starting to get commercialized. Which is great for all the creators and people that have put their blood sweat and tears into the product. But it's horrible for people like me who don't want to make clothes, but still want style and aesthetic to go along with our individuality.
Now any idiot with with a computer and a membership to Karmaloop (which I think is the death of streetwear) can feel like they have style and substance. When in reality you know nothing about the clothes that your putting on your back. You don't know that The Hundreds is a Skate brand, but you love it??? What part of the game is that?? Most of the People that are gonna start wearing that brand within the next year or so are most likely people that made fun of me for wanting to skate and being into that culture.
I could really get into a crazy rant about this.. but i'm gonna spare you guys for now.
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