The Two most awesome women in the city, hands down. Even though i'm much taller, I look up to them. They have a thriving business in a failing economy, and they are always down to help a friend or anyone in need.
Best Friends Day 8 "the ocho" pretty much what i'm stoked on the most for this whole summer.
They'll prolly call me out and say i'm lame for this, but who else are you gonna hangout with and watch youtubes til 6am??
Shanice and Ayesha. I know for a fact that they would both be really mad at me if I put up pics of them. But they are like two super cool little sister's to me. They keep me sane and humble somehow.
It's so chill just sitting up on your's/your friends rooftop and drinking. As much as I love to go out partying and being busy, you can't deny the subtle appeal of this.
slaughterama was on point. Drunk all day, laughing and throwing beers at kids on bikes. What more do you need?
Kelsey and Gumby are awesome. Nuff said.
Last but certainly not least is my Partner in crime. If it wasn't for Jay I would have moved away a long time ago. Got the full "rva" expierence walking around the fan drinking 40's of colt 45 with him last summer. We even have a secret handshake.
Those are just some of the reason. There's always the smell of lee's fried chicken or sauers vanilla while driving down broad. (which traffic is never that bad in this city compared to alot of others)
And dance parties when school is in, and house parties during the summertime.
I think i'll give it a year or two more. Then i'm most likely going to be on my way to Chicago.
i feel you 100 percent nigga... i start school in the fall... after 2 years when i graduate im outa here too... more then likely cali